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Les avocats

Bastien Bernard


The background of Attorney Bernard

Bastien BERNARD is a Partner with firm’s Corporate department. Since 2005, he has mainly specialised in corporate law and finance law. He was with the Bar of Paris (GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL) before joining ASKESIS in 2009. He teaches English with the MSc Corporate Finance program of EDHEC and modules on Finance Law for the Master II Droit du Commerce International program at the law faculties of Montpellier and Nice.

He is a holder of the Certificat d’Aptitude à la Profession d’Avocat (CAPA), the DESS in Law of International Commerce from the law faculty of Montpellier (DCI), and the holder of a Master’s in International Law from the University of Uppsala (Sweden).

Languages spoken

  • French
  • English

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