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Property Law

We assist our clients within the framework of preparation and implementation of their strategies to transfer private or professional assets, by proposing legal and tax optimisation structures which correspond to each particular situation.

We intervene within the framework

  • Of taxation of company directors (sale, transfer, retirement…);
  • Of taxation of managers (management package, profit-sharing, remuneration…);
  • Real estate investments;
  • Of taxation related to trusts.

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L+/LMS - PHP: 0.065s - Smarty: 0.077s - Total: 0.142s - Docs
0.00140825	SELECT statut, url_detail, libelle_en AS libelle FROM avocats_statuts

0.00030200 SELECT * FROM expertises WHERE id = '1' AND etat = 'en-ligne'
0.00020325 SELECT * FROM expertises WHERE id = '4' AND etat = 'en-ligne'
0.00142300 SELECT MAX(update_time) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'askesiyfrank' AND table_name = 'expertises'
0.00064375 SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (FIND_IN_SET('en', lang) OR lang = '') AND `etat` = 'en-ligne' AND url <> '' AND groupe <> 'invisible' ORDER BY ordre > 0 DESC, ordre ASC, url ASC
0.00165800 DESC `expertises`
0.00043450 SELECT id, `expertises`.`titre_en` AS titre, "" AS title, alias_en AS alias FROM `expertises` WHERE 1 AND (`expertises`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY rang ASC
0.00250500 DESC `actualites`
0.00242675 DESC `actualites_themes`
0.00149950 SELECT DISTINCT `actualites_themes`.* FROM `actualites` LEFT JOIN `actualites_themes` ON FIND_IN_SET(,actualites.theme) WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND `actualites_themes`.`id` IS NOT NULL AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY libelle_en
0.00035050 SELECT url, cible, alias_en AS alias FROM pages WHERE etat = 'en-ligne'
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0.00040875 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `actualites` WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne")
0.00044450 SELECT * FROM `actualites` WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,10
0.00050225 SELECT url, cible, alias_fr AS alias FROM pages WHERE etat = 'en-ligne'
0.01607150 Total: 15